Montana's Premiere Resort Experience Since 1932

Montana is Horse Country With Spectacular Trails,
diverse terrain, and scenic vistas that were made to view from the back of a horse.

Horseback riding around this Montana resort is an event you don't want to miss out on!
Elk Lake Resort is seated in the middle of horseback riding paradise. You can ride across the rolling hills and timbered draws of the Gravelly Range. Experience a high mountain trip into the alpine regions of the Centennial Mountains. The area offers a variety of terrain options for all experience levels of riders.
You must pre-reserve horseback rides
Contact Casey Smith at Centennial Outfitter
Phone number 406-660-7088
Day Trips

Guided Full-Day Trips: Sack Lunch Included
The Gravelly Range is a substantial mountain range which has few access points and thousands of acres of open back-country. With vast flower-filled rolling ridge tops which average 9,500 feet in elevation and several impressive mountain peaks, the Gravelly Range is a wonderful place to explore. The highest peak in the range is Black Butte (at 10,542 feet). Covering an area of 997 square miles it runs about 50 miles north / south and 30 miles east / west. And, best of all, you can ride all day and not see a soul.
What To Bring

Whether you plan to spend a few hours, or a few days, on the back of a horse in Montana's mountains, the following list will help you prepare. Remember, horseback riding is a physical activity and, like all physical activities, is most enjoyable if you're prepared. Riding in Montana's scenic country, you'll want to be sure to bring those few extras, which make your Montana horseback-riding trip even more memorable!
Full Day Trips
We provide your lunch and a bottle of water. Your outfitter provides your transportation. You bring your personal gear. We suggest you layer your clothing as the mountain weather can change rapidly and with little advance warning.
Depending on the time of year we suggest your bring:
Warm Coat: Essential for chilly nights or a windy day, a warm coat layered over a lightweight wool, fleece, or synthetic jacket will keep you comfortable.
Rain pants and jacket or a slicker: Worth their weight in gold if you get caught in a late afternoon thunder storm, rain gear will keep you dry - a big step toward staying warm.
Shirts / Pants: Depending on the weather, a short sleeve shirt covered by a sweatshirt will usually prepare you for any type of weather. The key is layering. For pants, we recommend a loose but comfortable fitting pair of jeans as the best.
Shoes: A pair of sturdy boots with a heel and a smooth surface sole are best for your safety when horseback riding. If you don't own a pair of riding boots, a pair of hiking boots with an obvious heel will work as long as they are not large and clunky.
Hat: A cowboy hat, baseball cap, or canvas cap will work. A hat with a brim is preferable to one without as it offers better sun protection and provides better covering if you get caught in a shower. Make sure your hat fits snugly enough it won't blow off if hit by a gust of wind.
Gloves: Leather or suede gloves - or a lightweight pair of synthetic gloves designed for warmth and water repellency are useful. Proper fit and warmth are your goals.
Toiletries: Toilet paper is always a plus on a backcountry trip. Half a dozen paper towels stuck in your coat pocket have a way of coming in handy, too. It's good to have a stick of lip balm when spending the day in the sun and wind!
Sunscreen / Bug Spray: Both of these are a must in the mountains. Our mountain air is pure so the sun's rays are very powerful. At certain times of the year the bugs can be overly friendly.
Camera / Binoculars: Although certainly not necessities, both a camera (and extra film or plenty of disk space) and binoculars are great 'tools' when traveling through the back country. Think ahead about how you will carry them to make them readily accessible - small carrying cases which clip onto your belt or waistline - or a fanny pack - are much safer than a cord around your neck, and often much easier to get to than your coat pocket.
Overnight Pack Trips
For an overnight (or a several night) trip, remember, all your extra gear will be carried in by your outfitter's pack animals. Plan accordingly. We request you bring your gear in a soft-sided duffel-type bag (no hard edges, frames, or wheels). Line your bag with a large trash bag to help keep your things dry.
Please limit your gear to no more than 30 pounds per person (excluding the gear listed above which will be packed on your person or your horse).
Toiletries: In addition to toilet paper be sure to include your toothbrush, toothpaste, biodegradable shampoo / bath soap, comb, deodorant, disposable razor, towel & washcloth, etc. Keep your items to a minimum, but think ahead - the nearest store is a quite a long way down the mountain.
Clothing: In addition to your standard day wear, we encourage you to bring an extra pair of dry socks, a comfortable pair of walking shoes for around camp, an extra pair of jeans and a couple extra shirts - one long-sleeve turtleneck would be advisable (if you're doing more than an overnight), and, depending on the time of year, a pair of long johns - the best are the newer synthetic type which wick moisture away from your skin.
Flashlight: Handy for getting to the tent at night - with fresh batteries (or extras).
Bringing Your Own Horse
At Elk Lake Resort we offer a grassy area where you may picket your horse free of charge if you are staying at the Resort. However, it is on a first reserved basis, so if you plan to bring your own horses, please plan well in advance.
You will need to bring along all the gear you will need for your horse; the Lodge does not provide any tack. If you are going for more than a day ride, you may also want to bring hobbles, a highline, and a nosebag.
Please note: The Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest (from which we lease the resort grounds) requires certified weed-free hay and straw.